Friday, March 27, 2015

Accepting the Unacceptable

It’s not that, we stumble and bumble in becoming a sportive nation, the fact that none of the player’s houses were pelted with stones or effigies burnt, shows that we are raising our standards. Moreover the kind of support and sympathy the players won in social media after yesterday’s loss was cheerful and heartening. I am not reading much in to what kind of debate the savior of India (Arnab Goswami) conducted on his news channel last night. In fact, the most trending tweet for the day has not been #Shamed@Sydney but #ShameOnTimesnow. Even the chauvinist who doesn’t have the balls to do anything, taking a dig at Anushka Sharma or Virat Kohli can be ignored. These noises are omnipresent and the impotent opinions of these jerks can be ignored.

“For, Game is players battling and cowards whining”

To Dhoni - “I do have emotions, but I don’t show it often” is the phrase, I would chose to live with on any given day. You have been an inspiration for the whole country. We take pride in ourselves to have a leader like you.

To Virat - After the legendary Sachin Tendulkar retired, it is you who have brought smiles and pride to the Indian cricket. You need not bow down either to the fans or the country. Your efforts and performance has been the limelight for us to travel till Semifinals.

To the team - Well boys, a fact very well known before the world cup started was, we never had the firepower or experience like what we had in 2011. Nevertheless spending four months away from home, with quite a lot of defeats but still hanging out there to deliver the best was an impressive show. Hats off to you guys.

I would proudly tell my kids, that this was the team going in to the world cup with a handful of heavy defeats in the series prior and still went on to reach the semi-finals. I would tell them, we never had a potent and fiercely competitive bowlers in the squad, but they bowled out all the opponents they met on their way to reach the last four stage. I would tell them, that the batsman were expected to crumble and tumble in the bouncy Australian pitches, but they proved it all wrong by combating every strong bowling attacks they played against. And I would tell them, that this was the squad which never had a Sachin Tendulkar. The ten Spartans were led by the 11th who was fearless like the gods, who had the power of tranquility to destroy any opponents on a given day, alas yesterday was not his. I would proudly tell them, that this was team which never surrendered meekly but fought valiantly till the end. I would, would You?

The Dream

Now that I was affected by it,
I could no longer pretend to be lifelike,
right there, as it is ought to 
become more dramatic than you have thought, so
bringing the lines for you is
the discontented sojourner in me.....!

Where were we? 

We were standing in that hermit pathway,
there was absolute silence in the air
the wind was trying to intrude in to our dialogues,
as my arm fans your cheek, the
solitary road looked like a solitary world to me~

Let me freeze that moment, let me 
freeze the time and the world around us...
I'm too week to move ahead 
what if I don't experience it all again...
this moment of isolation except you,
surrounds me with scores of insecurity!

As I hop on to a dream within a dream
I deceive you to the world of buoyancy,
For years together we create a world
where the oceans meet a bleak desert
for us, to dine under the aroma of seabed!

I'm scared to live in reality, I 
refuse to endure with you not being near,
Whatever my mission was, I could never
tolerate even the soft breeze to come near you!
Perhaps that was the reasoning behind a
dream within a dream, a well conceived whim, 
which I brought through my fantasy mime!

The earth is all before me, indeed before us,
I see the liberated soul in you,
from the wandering clouds, the shining stars,
quietly blinking moon, to the brightly eruptive sun,
there was nothing which could match up to the
joy as You!

We walk past the endless palms, till
the sun had almost touched the horizon,
peeping at us, with a backward glance.
All that, I have created for you, are the bunch
of memories which I recollected from our real world,
All that I'm ought to create for you are the
heap of dreams which I wish to recollect
after a thousand years, Such hope was mine!

Time, Place, People, I don't seek anything,
except for your soul, my passion for you
was so eternal, that at times I went in to the
zone of envying even the lover in me!
Even if a thousand worlds were to 
descend upon us, I would fight
spear to spear, sword with sword
for the glory of you!

Even I were to die a slow and gradual death, then a wish,
My last, with so much of yearning is
that, we become the immortal souls 
in a world of dreams, created by us, for us! 

Let me dream, let me dream
and never wake up! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015


As I stare hard at the pool of water,
I could see, the little drops of drizzle
making my face cloudy and blurry,
I face towards the skies which offers
me a wicked smile filled with satire!

I walk the roads, perhaps
the walk of my life, searching
for nothing, but to encounter
the raveled edge of life,
I walk along one more mile, one more mile,
yet a thousand miles far from home!

Home? Which was my home? What is a home?
Which was my family? Who were my friends?
Not knowing the answers,
I chose to walk a mile!

I have had always taken the stage,
with a glee on my face,
with no fear to encounter the race,
it all seemed way too natural and easy for me,
yet, I walked a mile!

I talk, not to many, yet a few 
whose faces glowed even in the darkest of hours
when I closed my eyes, coz they were 
my sole torch who eased my way 
wend towards the journey!

When the foot seemed too heavy to step further,
when fatigue took toll on me,
I always found a hovel to rest my soul 
And those were the few faces which stayed yet!

I don't choose to be an isolated animal,
it's just that, every soul had a
reason to be part of our life,
when their cause was met, they were long gone,
some stand close to leaving you, while
only a few would stand by till the 
wheel of your life is spun. 

Now, I knew, I can't stay put,
I need to move, that was my purpose of being here,
I chose to break away from my kith's and kins,
Although, I'm too far to regret my sins!

I have had many a jobs for a while,
yet, I chose to live on my own style,
ofcourse, there is nothing with me, but
there is always a road, stretching mile after mile
I had nothing to do, but go!

No matter wherever I go, wherever I dwell,
I would dally with the winds and laugh at hell,
For now,
I'm sitting,
I'm thinking,
I'm yearning,
to go far away, to go way too faraway...... !