Saturday, December 15, 2012

Student Life

Crawled, Pushed, Walked
those little steps to the stylish walks
as gently as it sounds, were
more than a moment of liveliness
not just moments, minutes or days,
but years~ 19 long years!

The far-cry is sounding to end,
as the fairy-tale seeks its last bend
where my dreams were weaved and mend
in to reality, now at the last
stretch, i contemplate over the
life of student, wait am still a one~

As i enter my classroom tomorrow,
the last wishes of a student
hovers in and out of my mind,
plenty of wishes and anxieties!

Each lucky stones i pelted
inside my pockets turned
out to be golden ones- Friends
certainly carve out the beautiful
pages of this phase` if you lucky
to find one, then you can live one,
though i owe him one alwayzzz~

For feelings and farewell can hold up
as i am ready to hug and relish
the last few days as a student,
although a demanding professional
life sneaks at the other end, it
can wait, for few more days and nits
for am a student still, a naughty student though!

Special One

Not much shared,
not much said,
not much known,
still our hearts beats in the same tone
those special moments,
every minute alone with yu
when yu uttered those words
i saw ur eyes, more than ur lips,
which conveyed a lot to me, which
is far beyond explanation.

I climb up the terrace, the
vicious wind, tears up my skin
i stand alone, staring at the stars
that glitter in the darkness,
suddenly something wraps up the glowing stars,  
and i envision ur face,
which was gleaming at par!

At that minute, my life
says something true,
i wish to hear it, but it just whispers
i couldn't hear more, i couldn't ~

The sky opens, the rain dwindles in to my eyes,
blending with my tears,
it was never a moment of sorrow,
but the happy tears, which i embraced
i tried to catch yu, but i could never hold yu
i saw yu touching my cheeks and lips
and parting the very minute
i stood there alone, just alone
a solitary moment, which said, 
yu are gonna leave me, leave me alone
soon, soon.....! Luv yu so much buddie!