Monday, August 3, 2015

Yakub was hanged & for the right reasons

The nightmare of 1993 blasts turned Mumbai into a city it was never before leaving it charred and chastened. A city which was known for its gold smuggling, crime and underworld gang fights woke up to the grimace of gruesome terror attacks. The brutal attack left 257 dead with more than 1400 injured and delivered a massive blow to the Mumbai civilians. Dawood Ibrahim, Tiger Memon, Ayub Memon and Yakub Memon were behind the planning and execution of this merciless attack which was masterminded by Pakistan’s Intelligence agency ISI. The recent divide over the opinions of SC judges, government and intelligence agencies that the hanging of Yakub is not justifying enough leaves us with more questions than answers even after his execution.

Ex-chief of RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) Mr. Raman claims that hanging Yakub was an injustice as he had an assurance from the Indian Intelligence agencies that his crime plea would be leniently judged upon in return of supplying more evidences and data. However, an anonymous police officer reveals a different truth. Yakub Memon had secretly flown to Kathmandu from Karachi to take suggestions from his relative and lawyer about the growing discomfort with the ISS on returning to India and surrender to Mumbai Police. Eventually he was advised to get back to Pakistan, but on suspicion before he could board the flight, he was identified & moved to India by the Nepal Police. Although the claims of Mr. Raman stands otherwise, we are not sure who had hell-bent on to state otherwise here. But a judgement could be brought out more by reasoning than promises made to terrorist in order to lure him.

Taking cue from the hunt of Bin Laden, Dr. Shakil Afridi, who was used as a scapegoat by CIA in acquiring the blood samples of the small children from the Abbottabad compound, this incident itself shows us the theory of opportunism on which the Intelligence agencies across the world operate. Barack Obama and his advisors threw everyone under the bus – not just Shakil Afridi but a couple of army generals of Pakistan who helped them nail Bin Laden. As usual the Americans showed up the​ir ​middle finger and cried out “to hell with everyone else”.

This theory holds true and puts Mr. Raman’s argument to rest. Secondly, there is not an iota of doubt over Yakub Memon’s involvement in the devastating attack. Here are some of his involvements;

  • Yakub Memon was one of the main conspirators along with Dawood Ibrahim, Tiger Memon and Ayub Memon.
  • Yakub had financed for the objectives of the blasts.
  • Yakub had arranged for the air ticket, of youths who were sent to Pakistan for training. He was also responsible for their lodging & boarding.
  • Yakub was involved in purchasing the motor vehicles which were used while planting bombs.
  • Yakub had accompanied the other co-accused with storing the suitcases with arms, ammunition, hand grenades and detonators.
  • Yakub was not an illiterate who could have been brainwashed into such an inhumane act. He was a well-qualified Chartered Accountant who could think above the extreme conservatives.

If this doesn’t suffice the involvement and his beastly act to the moderates who feel the need for abolishing the death penalty, then I feel they are the admirers of terrorists and terrorism. Those are the souls who want to keep their hands clean, but forget about the ones who bleed to protect them. It’s ridiculous to see that the terrorist receive more sympathy than martyrs today.

Indeed, it’s so shady to think & realize how funny as a country & as citizens we are. In fact how similar Sanjay Dutt’s case is of Yakub Memon. Well, I suppose Mr. Dutt was charged with holding of illegal weapons supplied to him by some of the perpetrators which he claimed was for his personal protection and self-defence. What if Mr. Dutt was involved in providing logistic support to the terrorists? Agreed, that finally he was charged with possession of illegal weapons. But that was finally. I suspect how many of us would know if at all someone of his fame needs to be saved, to what extent the government, bollywood and the underworld would go on to protect its son. Or we would have never known for what purpose Mr. Dutt had acquired & possessed so much of illegal weapons. Yeah, it was sleeping like a snake in the deep sea, waiting for its prey if at all Plan A had failed which of course did not. We as a nation forget & digest the horrors very easily & stand behind the likes of Sanjay Dutt & Salman Khan who are the villains in real life. Our sympathy for Bollywood & hatred for Pakistan is meant to stand tall after all, isn’t?

Intelligence agencies all over the world are notorious for not keeping their promises. CIA case of handling Dr.Shakil Afridi is of prime example. A man who is involved in terrorizing the society with killings​ and crime does not belong to a minority or majority community. There is no reason for the judges to be of different notion when Yakub’s involvement is justified. In fact, there is no point of heart overruling the brain here, just because Yakub supplied us with data and evidences.

Well, I could sympathize with a rat in the cage which entered my house, asking for mercy but not a snake. At least our discussion was something more valuable than that of a rat and a snake. Although the story does not end up here, the ghosts of 257 people would continue to exist till the cowards ‘Dawood Ibrahim & Tiger Memon’ are hung to death.

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